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Our work

Unlocking your healthcare potential

Acarta uses proven best practices to increase workflow efficiencies, improve patient and staff moral, and enhance the brands of healthcare organizations of all sizes and specialties.

Practices and Capabilities

Assessment and Evaluation

We conduct independent analysis of your organization’s workflows, communications, online reputation, appearance, patient satisfaction, and staff moral. Our detailed initial assessment provides baseline insights regarding your organization’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Our battery of follow-up evaluations then track the progress of your organization as it works toward greater efficiencies and higher levels of satisfaction.

Workflow Optimization

Few areas cause more chaos within healthcare than ill-defined or unclear processes. Using proven methods of instructional design, we refine and vividly present an organization’s most critical workflows. We will map out each step of each primary task within the processes of your admissions, housekeeping, dining, staff training, etc., then we will insert pertinent points of emphasis related to patient engagement, present the process with visual aides, and then teach your supervisors as how to ensure their staff are trained properly and held accountable for their processes.     

Patient Engagement Toolbox

This toolbox contains scenarios used to train staff to treat patients and their family members confidently, consistently, and with the highest level of care regardless of the situation they face on the job. Dealing with upset family members, knowing when to lead teammates versus when to follow guidance, and how to develop stronger relationships with patients are a small handful of scenarios addressed within this toolbox.

Leadership Development

The best way to sustain a culture of excellence is to develop long-term leadership at every level of staff. Acarta’s leadership development programs empowers employees to take ownership of their individual tasks, as well as guide their teammates in a positive fashion. Stronger relationships are built, departments work more effectively, and your best staff members are not complacent and bored, instead they are energized and actively addressing your organization’s needs.  


In healthcare, clear and consistent communication among staff and with patients is often elusive. The team at Acarta creates effective work-based communication systems between shifts, departments, and facilities. Separate communication methods and structures are also established between staff members, patients and their families. In-person and online training first introduce these communication systems to your staff, and then serve as reinforcement so that your organization is not hampered by confusion or misinformation. 

Environmental Enhancements

Our designers will assist in bringing out the true character and brand of your organization. The environments Acarta helps to create take on more home-like qualities. We will consider elements such as aromatherapy, music, patient artwork, personalized room decorations, therapy animal visits, outside visits from schools and community organizations, etc. By avoiding more-institutional approaches to environmental enhancements, Acarta distinguishes your healthcare organization as a community center, not a place of business. 

Activities Enhancements

Whether they are meant to drive business to your organization, to educate your patient population, or to entertain your staff, Acarta’s onsite and offsite activities are diverse and far-reaching. We develop relationships with local schools, churches, businesses, and non-profit organizations in order to place patients, their families, and your staff within the broader support systems of your surrounding communities, as well as showcase our work to those who ordinarily  do not visit our organization.